This article will help you find strategies to help you save energy during the cold winter months. Some of the tips below are free and can be used on a daily basis to increase your savings; others are simple and inexpensive actions you can take to ensure maximum savings through the winter.
Here are a few more tips to add to your list for saving money during the winter:
- Seal Electrical Outlets and Switches: Use foam gaskets behind switch plates and outlet covers to prevent drafts.
- Insulate Pipes: Insulate exposed pipes in unheated areas to prevent freezing and reduce heat loss from hot water pipes.
- Use Draft Stoppers: Place draft stoppers or door sweeps at the bottom of doors to prevent cold air from entering.
- Close Vents in Unused Rooms: Close heating vents in rooms that are rarely used to redirect heat to occupied spaces.
- Cook Efficiently: Use your oven for cooking to help warm your home, and use lids on pots to retain heat and cook faster.
- Utilize Natural Sunlight: Open curtains during the day to allow sunlight to naturally warm your home, then close them at night to retain heat.
- Adjust Water Heater Settings: Lower the temperature setting on your water heater to save energy used for heating water.
- Schedule a Heating System Inspection: Have a professional inspect your heating system annually to ensure it’s running efficiently.
These additional tips can further help reduce energy consumption and keep your home comfortable during the winter months.
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